Interactive tour through 150 years of company history

To mark the 150th anniversary of its founding, Nestlé, the world’s biggest food company, opened a unique experience center for young and old in a space of more than 3,000 square meters.

On a spectacular multimedia tour visitors not only learn about Nestlé and the history of the company but can explore some of the biggest challenges of our time regarding nutrition. In a playful, interactive manner they experience a committed vision of the future of food.

Our mediaguide enables visitors to scan symbols to trigger the media stations, hear lip-synched audio tracks for videos and exhibits in their language and comment on their visit to the exhibition.

Nestlé S.A.

Location & Year
Vevey (Switzerland), 2016

Project type
New opening

Customer type
Company museum


  • Media planning
  • System integration
  • 500 x supraGuide touch
  • Triggering technology
  • Control of exhibition media
  • Video synchronization